The message is clear – we must come together as ONE people with ONE vision to heal our nation.
We all want safety, freedom, and a brighter future for our children.
We all hope for communities where people are treated with dignity and respect. Together, step by step, we can build that reality.
For too long, divisions and disagreements have torn at the fabric of our society. Now is the time to mend and strengthen the bonds between us.
You've probably noticed the divisions and tensions simmering in our city. It seems everyone has an opinion, everyone has a side, and no one is really listening to each other.
What if we came together to seek unity and healing?
What if we prayed, fasted, and sought God's heart for our metro - as one people, under one God?
That's the vision behind the upcoming
"One People, One Vision: Healing our Nation" event.
For three days, churches across the city will unite to call us to prayer and fasting for unity and renewal.
The goals are simple but profound: to humble ourselves, to seek God's face, and to turn from our wicked ways so God can heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14, Esther 4 vs 14 -16).
For 72 hours, we're putting aside our differences to seek the heart of God for our city.
Together, we can impact our metro in ways we never imagined. It starts with each of us. It starts with you.
A call to action
Believers are called to fast over the three days. Abstain from food, but continue drinking water or juice.
18th August - Call to all our youth to unite in prayer for our metro. Scripture Union and youth organisations to unite to approach schools to open their doors for prayer. This initiative can build up in the schools from 14th - 18th August.
19th August - The Church is leaving the building. Biggest motor convoy ever as we visit 17 malls with messages of hope and a demonstration of the unification of church business, government and civil society.
20th August - All churches in 60 wards praying for the city, ministering a message of hope from Esther 4 vs 14 -16 in their morning service and praying for the wards.
Set aside time each day to pray for unity, healing, and a renewed spirit in our country.
Here are some specific things you can pray for:
- Healing and reconciliation.
- For hearts to be softened and wounds to be healed.
- That people of diverse backgrounds come together through shared interests and for the benefit of the community.
- Forgiveness, empathy, and understanding.
- For leadership.
- For wisdom, humility, integrity and compassion in our leaders. Ask God to give them a vision for unity and the courage to make difficult decisions that promote the common good.
- Pray that they would govern fairly and seek unity over division.
- Pray that media outlets, journalists, public figures, and thought leaders use their platforms to spread messages of hope, empathy, truth and unity rather than fear, division or misinformation. Ask God to give them a spirit of responsibility and care for the impact of their words.
- Pray for unity, trust and cooperation within our local communities. Ask God to strengthen relationships between neighbours, community groups, schools, churches, businesses, and civic organizations.
- Pray for yourself, that God would give you a spirit of unity, humility, and reconciliation.
- Pray for wisdom and courage to build bridges with people different from you and to promote healing in your spheres of influence.
- Spend time reflecting on our shared humanity and values as citizens of this nation. Journal your prayers, hopes, and dreams for a unified future.
- Ask God to search your heart and show you any prejudices or judgments you may hold toward others. Pray for the grace and courage to let go of them.
Community outreach
Look for ways to promote unity in your own community.
Organize a park clean-up, donate to a local charity, or simply offer to help a neighbour in need.
When we serve others with compassion, we begin to see beyond our surface differences to the common ground we share.
Keep praying
Don't stop praying after these three days are over.
Make praying for unity and healing in our nation a part of your daily devotional life. God calls us to be peacemakers, so keep seeking His heart for reconciliation and spreading the message of hope.
So there you have it - a vision for bringing unity and healing to our city through prayer and fasting.
While it may seem like a small act, when we come together and petition heaven on behalf of our communities, it releases spiritual power that brings transformation.
Even if you've never fasted before, give it a try.
Start slowly and see how God meets you in your sacrifice.
When we humble ourselves, repent of our sin, and cry out for God to move in our city, He hears and answers our prayers.
Join with brothers and sisters from all walks of life, lay aside differences, and be part of something bigger than yourself.
Lift your voice for the healing of the nation. Believe that united we stand, but divided we fall.
Together, let's stand in the gap through prayer and see revival come to our metro.
Spread the Word
Tell your friends, family, church, and community about the three days of prayer and fasting. Share on social media using the hashtag #OnePeopleOneNation.
Apostle Neville Goldman
Ebenezer International