Christian Surfers South Africa
We are a collection of Christians that surf. We believe our love for Jesus and our love for surfing can serve one another to take the Kingdom of God the ends of the earth. Why?
A Tale Of Two Tribes
Watch any two surfers meet for the first time. As soon as they find out each one surfs you will immediately hear strange lingo, excitement, and stories of waves they’ve once had or stories of a session they’ve just had. Both know they are a part of a global tribe, the tribe of surfing.
The gospel of Jesus Christ has the ability to bridge cultures, age groups, economic disparity, and any other separator which normally can segregate people. When a Christian meets another Christian the Holy Spirit unites them to the Creator and both have a common relationship which transcends any residual division. Both know they are a part a tribe, the tribe of the Creator.
Both tribes are already crossing over. We exist to connect surfers who are Christian, and share Christ with surfers who are not. We equip Christians who surf with bibles, gospel media, discipleship, and a network of other Christians that surf. We mobilize this network to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way which speaks uniquely to the surfing tribe.
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