This prayer initiative originated with one of the local businessmen in Uitenhage whose business is seriously affected by the economic slump. After sharing the vision with other businessmen, it was decided on a strategy of 40 days of prayer. The focus of this event will be on the economic recovery of the region, poverty and unemployment in the Metropole and more specifically, Uitenhage/Despatch. This event coincides with the 46 days of Lent starting on 25 February, Ash Wednesday on the Jewish calendar, until 11 April. During Lent the Sundays are not counted as part of the 40 days therefore the dates are not corresponding with the number of days of fasting.
This prayer initiative takes place against the background of severe job losses especially in the motor industry. Apart from people being retrenched, major companies like VW and Good Year as well as component suppliers are closing for intermittent periods and some are also working short time. This seriously affects the income of employees whose disposable income decreases, negatively affecting businesses located in the areas where these employees traditionally buy their goods with subsequent negative affects on retailers. The international economic recession does not make things any easier. Small and medium enterprises have also reported a decline in sales
This is not a prayer chain or a prayer watch and not an effort to formulate a standalone prayer initiative but the focus is merely to add specific requests to existing opportunities where people are already praying and thus creating a greater awareness of the need for prayer for the economic situation. Special initiatives nevertheless are not excluded and you are encouraged to be creative in your approach. If time allows, prayer guidelines, relevant to the focus of that specific week, will be updated every Monday.
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