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How ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference

Church in the Community - Media Release in the Herald: 17 July 2023

Source: TCN / Salome de Klerk
Date Added: 2023-07-17

Category: General NewsTCN NewsIssues - GeneralIssues - Social upliftment
We agreed to meet at a local eatery close to 6th Avenue Walmer.

Arriving early, I ordered a coffee and hoped my nerves would settle enough to make the evening’s conversation worthwhile.

In preparation I had done as much research on the ministry Bet Sheekoom (Hebrew for restoration) as Google would allow, so I was feeling quite comfortable with the basics of the local ministry that Shelley and Gary Koekemoer have been involved in for the past 13 years.

Bet Sheekoom is a haven dedicated to assisting destitute, abandoned, or abused women and their children in crises.

But it was the God whispers that I was trusting for. You know, the kind that changes and challenges our hearts, if we let them.

As they were ushered to our table it was evident that they were a very seasoned coupled, who had much wisdom to share.

So, with the formalities and chit chat done, I was eager to dive right into their story.

My first question was “how did God convince you to choose to work this part of his harvest field?”

When I added that I was convinced that both of them had to be super spiritual people to be used by God in this way, I’m happy to say both laughingly pointed out the foolishness in my thinking that we are capable of succeeding on our own, without God’s guidance.

The author Warren Wiersbe makes this statement, “serving God is a wonderful thing if we understand what it is and how God does it through us.”

For this couple, their journey tells so profoundly of this truth.

Dining with the now 68-year-old Shelley and 67-year-old Gary, I realise afresh that God chooses to do his work through ordinary men and women for His glory – if we let him.

To see just how true this is we need to go back to the start of their mission.

I learned that at the time of their commissioning season, Gary worked as senior customer manager and Shelley as a phlebotomy nurse.

A car accident in July 2004 was a turning point. Gary and Shelley surrendered their lives to God a month later, in August.

Four weeks later a routine stop to pick up his wife from work led Gary to what I would see as a Peter commissioning moment – a call to feed His lambs, shepherd His sheep and feed his sheep, (John 21:15-17).

God unapologetically challenged the authenticity of their love for Him, and this resulted in a call to a life of servanthood for His kingdom.

Gary’s exact words to Shelley as both were spiritually awakened to the plight of women working in the sex trade was “something has to change”.

As I reflect on his faith declaration, I see the outworking of Philippians 2:13, “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do his good pleasure”.

Their declaration, in fact, was worked into their hearts and mouths by God.

Gary relates that the commissioning moment was of such intensity that it resulted in both of them returning most nights to speak to the women on the streets of Gqeberha.

The now routine nightly visits by the couple saw them repeatedly offering to help any of the women to break free from the way of life they were living in.

One evening their nightly offer was accepted, resulting in their first lady stepping off the streets of sex trading into their own personal home and space.

This marked the start of the ministry God had in mind for them to serve in.

I loved it when Gary narrated that initially their offer to help was seen in light of getting social development to take responsibility for the process, but his efforts to outsource the work ran contrary to God’s plan which was for them to do it.

The outreach need grew to such a demand that in 2010 they started to manage Bet Shekoom ministries fulltime.

It is now a highly respected victim empowerment centre formally registered as a nonprofit organisation.

Organisations such as Social Development, the South African Police Services and the Rape Crisis Centre regularly refer victims to them.

The couple are affectionately known as big Mamma and Pappa by the women they have so selflessly committed their lives to serve.

Women who commit to the programme work through a six-month holistic Life Link course which addresses their physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.

How could a couple with little or no experience in restoring destitute, abandoned and abused women achieve what seems to be the impossible?

This is where author Wiersbe’s definition of ministry provides some clues, “ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God”

True freedom and restoration are a God initiated and sustained works.

All Gary and Shelley needed to be were the loving channels God used for his glory.

Every material and spiritual resources necessary for the establishment and ongoing work of Bet Shekoom were divinely resourced by God.

Their story, God's story as narrated from their lips and hearts, left my insides squirming and my emotions fragile as I drove back home.

Through scripture and Gary and Shelley’s faith journey, we learn that God’s love challenge to us remains unapologetically straightforward and outward focused.

It remains unapologetically personal and confrontational to our status quo.

And it remains unapologetically relational and intimate.

In essence, true Biblical affection and intimacy demands an authentic servant’s response.

We forever remain ordinary people with real power to serve.
Salome de Klerk is a freelance writer
Source: TCN / Salome de Klerk
Date Added: 2023-07-17

Category: General NewsTCN NewsIssues - GeneralIssues - Social upliftment
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