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TCN Annual Review 2023
- "Closing the gap between the pulpit and the public space"
TCN is an informal network of volunteers supporting and encouraging Church leaders to work together in NM Bay. We believe a Church working together guided by John 17:21 and Psalm 133:1 will make a major contribution to Church unity and social cohesion in our metro and beyond.
Different ministries in the metro who share a Kingdom vision meet regularly to support each other. The TCN volunteers are held together by a compelling vision set out in the SACC document "The SA we Pray For" set out in the "Regina Mundi Declaration" on 16 December 2015.
TCN mission in 2023 has broadened its focus to creating a leadership forum where church, business and the community meet. It has a database of the 60 municipal wards in NM Bay which comprises of 720 churches, all the schools, NGO’s, hospitals/clinics, Community Policing Forums and SAPS in their appropriate wards.
- "Church and the Community"
Church and the community column that can be found every Monday morning in the Herald Newspaper has grown over the years and has had such a diverse range of writers.
From a TCN perspective, the column is there to reflect the church in action in the community to serve as an inspiration and example to others.
The content promotes the practical implementation of the Biblical instruction for us to care about the poor and needy.
- "The way forward" - mobilising SA churches to form partnerships to work together to close the gap
TCN seeks to influence congregants to participate in the closing of the "gap" left by the social and economic injustices of the last 300 years? The urgency of the hour demands that we start mobilizing the South African churches to form “partnerships” to work together to close the inequality, poverty and unemployment gaps in every municipal ward in Gqeberha and South Africa. A number of churches in Gqeberha have developed manageable training programs that will make a major contribution to tackling the gap in inequality (education & health); food security and unemployment.
We are encouraging churches to form partnerships and share already proven training courses that address our challenges with strategies that embrace sound biblical foundations ie Anglican Board of Education SA has set a goal of opening 5000 “schools” on their church premises in the next 5 years.
Click here to find the contact details of some churches already sharing their knowledge and experience with others. TCN is currently building up a data base of available courses Ref
- "Citywide Prayer Network"
Pray-ers from all over NMB: men and women from many different denominations gather regularly to intercede for NMB. God is moving among us, bringing us to another level. He is answering prayer. This year, we have been very busy raising teams of Pray-ers and Preachers to enter all 18 SAPS Stations in NMB.
- "Worklplace Ministry"
Workplace Ministry focuses firmly on encouraging the Church in the Workplace to practice their faith wherever and whenever they find themselves. Regularly we shared a message through the medium of TCN’s Marketplace Leaders WhatsApp group. My appeal to the leaders of the churches is to encourage their congregants to become members of this group and thus help destroy the myth that we believers operate in both a sacred and secular realm.
A special word of thanks goes to a number of churches and businesses who continue to support TCN financially to link Christian leaders in NM Bay.
We thank you all for your encouragement and ongoing support during 2023 and believe that if ever the Church needed to step forward and play a great role in the welfare of South Africa it is in 2024.
Trevor Jennings
TJ/CC 12.12.2023
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