We are currently rebuilding our Links and Resources Directory
- CHRISTIAN SURFERS SOUTH AFRICA - We believe our love for Jesus and our love for surfing can serve one another to take the Kingdom of God the ends of the earth
- JAN VAN WYK MINISTRIES - Originally known as Nikos Ministry, founded in 2003, Jan van Wyk Ministries is a cross-denominational traveling evangelistic/teaching ministry. The founder of this ministry is Dr Jan van Wyk, who has 43 years of pastoral experience and believes in the importance and edification of the local church. He teaches and preaches God’s uncompromised Word and allows the Holy Spirit to minister to God’s people.
- JUDEA HARVEST - Three men came together in 1998 and received an incredibly large task from God. The Word was: “ Gather the Harvest ! ” The vision became clearer after much prayer, and it was decided to build a harvesting machine that could reach one million people for Christ.
- CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST - Campus Crusade is committed to sharing the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness with all people. What began as a ministry to students on one campus in 1951, is now a worldwide movement with over 25 000 staff members, having a ministry presence in more than 200 countries.
- TRANS WORLD RADIO AFRICA - We at TWR Africa have the technological resources to assist the Church in Her mandate to take the Word of God to people.
- WHO IS GOD? - The web site GodwhoisGod.com is a gospel tract in over 50 languages for evangelism to Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs for Jesus Christ.
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