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Missions and Outreach
- DEO VALENTE SENDING - Deo Valente sending is gestig op Dindag 18 Junie 1990, na aanleiding van 'n visioen wat ek van die Here ontvang het na my motorongeluk op die 8 ste Junie 1990. Ek het my saak met die Here reg gemaak en belowe dat ek voltyds vir Hom sal werk. Die sending het klein begin deur ondersteuning aan gevangenis te verleen, verspreiding van nuusbriewe en geestelike literatuur. Die sending kon egter nie sy volle potensiaal bereik nie, as gevolg van verskeie faktore. In April 1997 is die hele organisasie geherstruktureer. Daarvandaan gaan die sending net van krag tot krag, en groei nog steeds.
- EXPERIENCE MISSION - provides an opportunity to serve in communities alongside local people with an incredible heart for God. Join a Community Vision In Motion and help these communities dream and pursue their passion for their community.
- FOCUS TEAM LEADERSHIP TRAINING - The FOCUS TEAMS are specifically trained to reach out to some of the Least Reached People Groups of the World.
- GOSPEL FOR ASIA - Planting Churches in Unreached Areas since 1979. In each aspect of Gospel for Asia?s ministry, the primary aim is to plant churches among the unreached ? those who have never heard the Gospel.
- PRAYING PELICAN MISSIONS - Praying Pelican Missions is one of the largest providers of short term mission trip opportunities for churches, schools, families, etc.
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