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Concert in Sunny Park

Source: Billy Paulson
Date Added: 2007-01-16


Many years ago, a grandfather and pensioner, David Alexander, or Uncle Sunny as he is affectionately known by residents in the northern suburbs of Port Elizabeth, started a dream project to convert a dumping site into a park to help improve the state of recreational amenities for children in the neighbourhood. With the assistance of the community he started a strenuous process of clearing and removing the waste – and convincing individuals not to dump any waste on the site. This educational interaction with members of the community and especially the younger generation was quite challenging and demanded perseverance.

The commitment displayed by Uncle Sunny eventually yielded some fruit when just about the entire community in the area and especially those living in close proximity of what has now been named Sunny Park by the locals expressly bought into and took ownership of the project; this is demonstrated in their manner of utilizing the beatified facilities and in keeping the park clean for all users.

Uncle Sunny is also grateful for the support given by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, various community leaders and businesses who sponsored some indigenous trees at various occasions and many others especially the children for caring and looking after their Park so well. Uncle Sunny is also very grateful for individuals and groups in the community especially the local business that borders the Park for providing gift packs to the hundreds of children for the annual Christmas Party in Sunny Park. Last year, 2006, was no exception when Uncle Sunny was hosting more than two hundred kids at a very lively Christmas Party with live performances by a local musician; whereafter the audience was entertained with a movie displayed on a make-shift big screen under the stars in the Park! “I am very fortunate to have such a cooperative group of people assisting with this project that is so dear to our little ones who now have a safer environment to play in …”

Today Sunny Park shows no evidence of what was once a battleground of gangster warfare and later a war zone of a different kind when the dreaded caspers and rifles of the then riot police clashed on a number of occasions with students and others … and later the war on household waste! Sunny Park bears evidence of a true community development story – an ordinary person who cited a pressing need in his neighbourhood and acted!  Today, after all the little wars that were fought on this small piece of land, children are playing peacefully, and recently a couple had their wedding photos taken in Sunny Park.

The work done at Sunny Park has been widely reported in many local and regional papers – as far as the southern Cape. Some schools visit the Park for certain activities relating to amongst other life orientation subjects. Uncle Sunny’s advice: “Start planting vegetable gardens and trees. Trees not only protect us from the sun and wind, they bring life!”

In honour of the work done by Uncle Sunny a musical performance by Billy Paulson and friends will be held on Sunday 28th January 2007 at 14:00 in Sunny Park situated opposite 8 Hickory Street, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth. Entrance is free. You are kindly invited to attend this community-building event and acknowledge the work done by Uncle Sunny with the support and assistance of his community over many years. For more information regarding the concert, you can contact  Bilson Music at 0861115133 or Billy on 082 4432209. E-mail:
Source: Billy Paulson
Date Added: 2007-01-16

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